Building Your Client Base Using Email Marketing

By Alexander Berry

The growth of on-line business shows the huge existing potential in this type of marketing cannot be ignored. Email marketing can be targeted at the correct audience time after time, although some say email has lost it's effectiveness, this simply isn't true. It is a very powerful tool when used correctly

Your organization and service can grow with the help of email marketing as it is a form of target or direct marketing in fact it is just an electronic form of direct mail, in which a simple message, e-zine, special offer such as a voucher or newsletter is sent to a massive list of email contacts. Here at SEO it Right Email Marketing Services we can help you with this. It is a cost efficient and very effective way of marketing your goods and services all around the globe or just in your location. You can build a respectable customer relationship with the help of email marketing it is a fantastic way of creating awareness for your products and services

You can increase and drive traffic to your website with the help of mass email marketing. SEO it Right can help you drive traffic to your site by utilising email marketing services and other SEO services that we offer driving visitors to you website in turn will help to optimise and boost your website ranking. Your marketing strategy must be able to convert your visitors into customers over time but initially to create awareness to what you have to offer them. Email marketing is a great way to bring readers to your site and then in turn to convert from just readers to buyers of the product or service from your company. You must provide valuable and interesting content on your newsletter readers to want to visit your website, a fast letter written in bad English is one way to chase them away.

You can create customer loyalty in your customers with the help of bulk email marketing. Create and send to them exciting information and content for the simple fact that people would evaluate your message afterword. A few paragraphs are sufficient to bring customer to your website or blog. You can develop your brand image in the minds of people with the help of email messages. You can customise your market to achieve a great response from your email marketing. There are many ways to personalise your emails for the reason that this technique brings an excellent chance to create relationships with your readers. People send on interesting content to their email contacts which increases your brand popularity inside your market.

There are many various types of advertising and marketing methods but mass email marketing is the largely one of the most valuable methods in the marketing toolbox. You can get hold of various valuable tools that can automate the process of sending emails or use a service such as SEO it Right to do this for you. Software is readily available and contains features like management of email contacts, sending scheduled emails and auto responding to complete the process in a proficient way. You can hire creative writers to create compelling, appealing and valuable content for your customers. Email marketing is very common and also very effective marketing strategy for on-line and off-line businesses whatever your service or offerings. This is a cost effective method of marketing but mainly it can bring you new and valuable customers to your website which in the end will produce more sales. If you would like more information regarding SEO it Right Email Marketing Services then please don't hesitate contact us. - 29941

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An Email Marketing Program and Understanding Stats

By Rudy Barell

There are many misconceptions about email marketing software data. The following article will help clear the air. Knowing more about your email marketing statistics, will ensure that you start reaching the potential that a powerful marketing tool like email marketing software can provide for your business.

The amounts of delivered emails your emails turn out are not an accurate figure. So let's get in a little closer on what it means for an email to be 'delivered'. The most important thing to know about this is that your delivered statistics DO NOT take into account the addresses that were relegated to a contact's junk/spam folder or those that were deleted without being opened. Your statistics are likely more inflated than the truth.

The only way to get real statistics on the delivery of your emails you'll need to look for some of the services offered that monitor in detail the delivery of your emails.

Looking deeper at your statistics will bring to the surface other reasons why your campaigns are not as successful as they can be.

The numbers that you get back from your email marketing reports are generally the numbers returned from your entire contact list. If you are not taking a closer look, you might miss some significant differences as to WHY different contacts have varying reactions to your campaigns. With a more concentrated focus on the data, you might see that a large portion of emails from Yahoo or Gmail are not being opened. In this case you can easily determine that there is a problem with the delivery of the emails. Moreover, you now know how to solve the problem, where before you weren't even considering there was one!

It is also important to review your open rates with a fine toothed comb in order to get a more accurate measure of how many active readers you have. By looking back to see the trend in your open rates you will probably see that they tend to look similar with some small variation as time goes on: 25%, 24%, 26%, 22%, 25%, 27%, 26%...etc.

Just by taking a quick glance it's not hard to determine that the average amount of readers per mailing you have is 25%. Although it's possible this is an accurate number to knowing your readership, it is even more likely that the number is greater. If you look at it a little differently, by determining who has opened the email in the last month, or over the last three sendings, you'll probably get a better measure of your consistent readership.

The reason is that your contacts might not open your email EVERY time you send it. They can be busy, on vacation, short of time one week - but not the next.

It can also pertain to the variation in your contact's wants and needs, and can give you vital clues as to how you might split up your list to better target this audience. If one bunch of addresses only ever opens when your promotions about a certain product and another only when you promote a different one, then it's time to separate the lists and only send them the content you know generates a response.

Understanding your email marketing software data is mostly about taking a closer look at the metrics to determine what the context of your response is. Once you put in that extra effort, it'll be much easier to find how to better target your audience and achieve greater email marketing software success. - 29941

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Reverse Email Address Locator

By Dana Goldberg

Anyone who has an e mail address will be able to benefit from reverse lookup email services. There are many ways that you can use it to benefit you and make sure that you are kept safe when making the decision of whether or not to open an e mail.

Many email service providers now allow you to see the first few lines of the e mail even before you open it but if you are concerned of the validity and where about this could be the reason why you avoid opening it.

We have all at some point been able to benefit from the similar service that the phone providers give us allowing us to bar certain calls or return missed phone calls even when the caller has not left a number. The same can be said from using an e mail service that will tell you all about the person who has sent the mail to you.

It can be upsetting when we lose contact with people over time. Being busy with the hectic ways of modern life means that this is a possibility. You will be able to regain contact with the person even if their e mail address is no longer maintained by the user and you can get the home address of them so that you can catch up by letter and in some cases even by telephone. This is a lot cheaper than hiring someone to investigate on your behalf and much safer too as you will be doing the search yourself.

If you want to find out if someone you are employing is being honest about their details then this is a way that you can check. You can make sure that you are taking on the person that you think you are and that they do not have any outstanding convictions that they are trying to hide.

Many other people have benefited from having access to such a service and now it is your turn. If someone has your e mail address then you have every right to know who they are if you have not given it to them. You do not have to even let others know what you are doing; neither will you have to part with any of your own personal information. - 29941

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Backing Up My Computer with a Online Backup Service

By Cledis Wingert

Nothing is more annoying and more frustrating than having your computer crash and losing all of your information. With all the music, movies, pictures and other files I store on my computer I was so frustrated when my computer crashed last month.

I thought I was taking all the right precautions. I had security software on my computer, I never visited questionable sites and I never opened up emails of senders I didn't know. So I really have no idea how my computer became infected with this virus.

I had to restore my computer back to the factory settings and I lost everything! I learned my lesson and went and bought an external hard drive. I put all my information on that thinking that this is a much better choice for storing files. Well I thought it was the safest mode until I found out that these are also prone to viruses.

Suffice to say, this frustrated me to no end and I started searching for other possibilities for backup for my files. That's when I learned about online file storage. Even if I my laptop is stolen, I still can access my files, pictures and documents through online backup. There are many sites that offer this kind of storage, and with it, I don't have to worry about transferring my files everywhere I go.

If you have a separate work and home computer, you can get those same files online without having to email anything, and without using flash drives. You do not have to take your laptop with you wherever you go, because online backup makes things easy.

One reason why I waited so long to do this is because I thought the process would be hard to learn. However, I learned that there are simple instructions, and if you need more help, these sites can even do your backup for you.

I was a bit skeptical with the security issue at first but after doing some research and reading I am now more comfortable with it. The files you send them are sent without encryption just like emails are. I know that in the back of my mind that nothing on the internet is safe but if eases my mind knowing that this company is doing everything they can to protect my files.

Because I don't want my files to be lost if my computer breaks down, I signed up for online backup. If you're like me and you spend a lot of time on your computer, then it is practically a necessity. - 29941

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A Guide To Understanding List Building - The Common Mistakes That Kill Email Marketing Campaigns

By Dhruv Patel

The one thing that you need to understand about list building - the common mistakes that kill email marketing campaigns is that building is a list is the be all and end all of internet marketing. One mistake and you can blow your entire email marketing campaign though if you get it right you can build huge lists of targeted customers who can then be tapped to further your internet marketing campaign. So, whatever else you do make sure that you do not commit common errors that would kill of your email marketing campaign.

Most of those who are new to Internet marketing tend to make assumptions that after adding people to a list the work of the marketer is complete. The truth is far from that because in order to succeed with building a list you need to realize that this is an ongoing process that goes on well after adding people to the list. So, this is something that you will need to learn about when studying list building - the common mistakes that kill email marketing campaigns.

A good way to build up your list is to make use of auto-responders which ensure that your customers always stay interested in you and your products or services. The number one mistake that most list builders make is to go out and buy their lists. They fail to understand that building lists is not about plain numbers and there is in fact more to it than just getting numerous new names.

Such mistakes are mostly made by people that are novices in internet marketing and the reason for making these mistakes is obviously because they feel that the more numbers of names they can add to the list the more success they will achieve in their campaign.

The second mistake that you will need to learn how to avoid is learning about the dangers of spamming which is not recommended and which is also not legal. It can put off your potential customers and you can also be slapped with penalties. So, don't ever spam people!

When you do send emails you must ensure making the subject line attention grabbing but without making the subject line look like your English tutor has written it for you. This means trying to dispense with too much formality and also not making the subject line too business-like; instead give it a more personal touch and try to not capitalize each word in the line.

You must also learn not to make mistakes such as putting information into your email that is meant to be deceptive or misleading because this will offend the recipient who will then remove their names from your list.

Lastly, to understand list building - the common mistakes that kill email marketing campaigns it is also important to send emails up to a certain limit. This means that often less is more and nowhere is this more apt than when sending emails. So, be sure to not try and inundate people with too many emails. Sending a few will often have a more desirable impact. - 29941

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The Power of Bulk Email Marketing

By Webster Mathers

In today's global, vastly populated internet, there is sure to be a buyer interested in whatever product or service you may provide. To that end, bulk email advertising is an incredibly powerful tool to help draw consumers to your website. If you can locate internet users interested in your product or service via a single email, you can vastly slash your advertising costs while reaching thousands or even millions of customers around the world.

Put simply, bulk email advertising involves drafting a sales pitch, sending it to a number of customers in hopes of drawing some to your site. Unfortunately, spam is quite prevalent online, and is quite different from what is intended by successful, responsible email marketing.

What many marketers are now doing is becoming a partner with an existing popular website and purchasing a list of email addresses from this site. Many people will opt into a mail list for one site and ask to receive offers from the company's partners, which makes this practice legal for internet marketers.

Running a successful bulk email advertising campaign is a challenge, particularly for those uncertain of how to begin. It is usually the smaller businesses with the most to gain from this method. Fortunately, has proven systems that will help you succeed. Successful email campaigns don't need to work on a grand scale to achieve tangible, beneficial results. Even small gains will pay off greatly over time as your business's reputation and influence grows.

Unlike with other methods of advertising, has no reoccurring fees. Just one payment grants you access to not only its system for marketing via email, but also to a plethora of HTML templates to help design attractive emails that will draw customers to your door. Many businesses are already harnessing the power of email marketing to great effect. As such, you can't afford to be left behind.

Any decision of this magnitude should definitely be researched before being made. Fortunately, is highly reviewed among both experts and customers alike. Nowhere else will you find such an invaluable service at an unbelievably low price, as well as so many helpful tools to revolutionize how your business is marketed.

Why spend hundreds of dollars on ineffective forms of advertising when bulk email methods can achieve much greater results for dramatically less effort and cost? By sending directly to those interested in your product rather than indiscriminately casting about, your efforts and dollars are spent far more wisely. Using bulk email advertising properly ensures that you are communicating directly with those wishing to hear what you say.

If your business is struggling to get on track, bulk email advertising is definitely worth a shot because there is a low risk and a very high reward. Those who know what they are doing in this industry are now using the services at and succeeding because of it. - 29941

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Ideas to Make Money Online

By Wendell Knowles

The internet has drastically changed the business landscape. Fresh industries and marketing avenues have arisen while at the same time making certain established businesses ineffective.

The internet is constantly changing with new developments and methods to take advantage of them to make profits being discovered daily. It is the dynamic capabilities of the internet and web communications that makes it such an important business tool.

For marketers who are willing to learn about online technologies the profit potential is tremendous. There are a number of individuals that have successfully created companies and livelihoods utilizing the unique abilities of websites.

Online media is exceptionally unlike established business mediums because of its numerous options. As opposed to TV or print which only work with narrow kinds of advertisements and can only accommodate limited kinds of marketing, interactive advertising and business models are restricted just by the creativity of the individual producing the marketing strategy.

For individuals that run a company or are looking to start one web communications means better opportunities than ever before. There are many different avenues useful to market services and techniques for earning cash. Here is an overview of a few widely used systems for earning cash on the internet.

Market research is a primary focus of many large corporations and online communications has impacted the way lots of those companies conduct their market studies. Lots of research groups are run via the internet and by participating you can potentially to earn money. To be a part you have to register with a survey company who can subsequently organize the surveys. Being a participant in a research group may pay potentially to hundreds of dollars for each participation.

Paid search is a potentially profitable business with daily spends in the millions. Sponsored search is a significant aspect of many companies internet communications strategy so there exists a great deal of opportunity for individuals that focus on it. Be it by designing sponsored search plans for customers or advertising your company, sponsored search is a marketing channel undergoing incredible growth potential.

Email is received each day by everybody for communication and is also an incredibly valuable customer acquisition methods around. There is a significant amount of profit to be had for marketers who are aware the way that digital mail works. Large organizations often hire individuals that are able to mail for them or business owners can run mailing companies as long as they get a mailing list.

Public relations has long been a vital industry and the fast rise of the world wide web has created a significant amount of opportunity for public relations professionals who focus on digital communications. Search engines, social media, and email are all vital channels organizations can take advantage of to control public perception. Their is a tremendous amount of money for people who are able to help companies effectively control their reputations online. - 29941

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Why Bulk Email Marketing Can Work for You

By Webster Mathers

Bulk email marketing is a great way to improve your profit margin when marketing online because you can reach unlimited potential clients while writing only one sales pitch. You must start this process out by figuring out exactly who you wish to contact and then coming up with a list. In this portion, you can decide to either contact businesses or individuals, depending on what you are attempting to sell.

To communicate with businesses, simply visit their websites and contact the email addresses they've listed for sales inquiries. Individuals are somewhat more complex, and should opt in to any targeted marketing. Another option for marketing to individuals is to partner with a third party company via which they can opt in to email marketing campaigns. Not doing so will result in your campaign being flagged as spam and, as such, being entirely ineffective.

While your bulk email marketing must consist of a sales pitch, being overly sales-like should be avoided. After all, people are choosing to read, and prefer to avoid form letters, instead deleting them mostly unread.

When writing the pitch, discuss products in order of importance. Also, take care to only send messages once. Sending more than one copy of your pitch might flag it as spam, causing email providers to not deliver your messages and harming your marketing efforts.

One of the major advantages of bulk email marketing is its low cost when compared to other marketing channels. With an occasional article as well as an inexpensive or even free email address, your business can easily and quickly reach thousands or even millions of customers. Even so, there are strategies to increase effectiveness, and any new marketers would do well to work with, a leader in the industry.'s system helps even the newest of users to start quickly, creating powerful and effective email marketing campaigns simply and conveniently. Furthermore, there is only a single one-time fee, no continuous subscription or hidden fees to contend with.

Your ultimate aim as an email marketer is to draw new customers to your site for purchases or views. To that end, features a number of free HTML templates aimed at guiding customers seamlessly from your emailed articles directly to your website. Having such a proven system helping you to get started is incredibly invaluable in avoiding the many pitfalls faced by those trying to go it alone.

As many businesses are already using bulk email marketing, yours cannot afford to miss out. Even if only a few sales are achieved, using the powerful tools that places at your disposal will have paid for themselves in no time.

Effective online marketing requires that users visit your website regardless of your ultimate goal. To that end, bulk email marketing is an effective tool, and's proven system is a great way to start your campaign on the right foot. - 29941

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How To Choose Courier Delivery Services

By Adriana Noton

A courier service is described as an organization which will personally arrange for the delivery of packages or documents from one place to another. Courier services usually boast fast delivery times and are often more reliable than regular mail as they carry the packages from door to door. These companies are generally used by businesses to ensure the fast delivery of important goods. Courier services can ship your package just down the street or all the way across the globe. There are so many courier delivery services - how to choose?

When trying to decide which courier delivery service to use the first thing you need to consider is where you need your package to go and how quickly you need it to get there.

The second factor to consider is the size of the package you are wanting to ship. Most courier companies determine their pricing on the size of the package as well as the distance it needs to travel.

If your package is smaller then it will be able to fit in the smaller delivery vehicles and this will reduce the cost. Keeping this in mind when getting quotes is handy as most companies will not tell you this information first hand as their prerogative is maximizing their profit margins. Find out exactly what is included in the price of the service and does this include insurance of your parcel and what this covers.

Make sure that the courier has liability insurance. Ensure that they are covered if they loose or damage your package. Make sure that you know before hand what the implications are to yourself and to the company.

You also need to make sure that any courier company is able to handle any special needs of your package. You need to determine if it needs refrigeration, hazmat or special handling. You need to make sure that your chosen courier is qualified to carry your package.

It is important to do your research when it comes to choosing a courier company and word of mouth referral is always best. Some companies may promise the cheapest rates but they do not always offer the best service. If your package is valuable it may be wise to go with the more expensive option with a higher guarantee. One factor that will help you decide is how long they have been in service. Companies that have been operating for a long period of time have well-placed systems that work whilst newer companies may not know the best routes and methods for delivery.

Find out what types of customer service is offered by the company, are there ways that you can track your package once it has left your hands? Are there ways that you or the receiving company can get in touch with the courier company should the package fail to arrive?

Do they have online services? Can you arrange a pick up online and track your package online. A website which allows you to calculate a quote for the services is a handy tool. - 29941

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How To Make Money On Demand From Your Ezine Customers

By Dhruv Patel

Creating an ezine is a great way for people who enjoy writing blogs, editorial works, or newsletters to earn money doing something they enjoy. Ezines are often started as a way to express one's opinion about news events or other items of interest. This process is not only therapeutic, but it is how to make money on demand from your ezine. There are a number of ways to bring in revenue from writing, especially when it comes to putting a lot of effort into publishing an ezine.

Many times ezines are started for fun, but they turn into a fantastic source of revenue. Once your ezine gets rolling, you will need to gather a list of customers. It's hard to create any revenue if there aren't customers involved. In order to quickly gather subscribers, one method is to compile targeted articles. You can create articles that are of high-quality and short, then post them on sites which accept article submissions. With this article, you will be able to provide a link to your squeeze page.

Adding a link to your squeeze page and describing what your ezine is about is the best way to entice people to subscribe to you. Configuring in an autoresponder on your squeeze page is a quick way to gather up new customers. This autoresponder will send an email to the new person that clicked on the proper tab. As many addresses are gathered, your list will steadily grow and customers will be gathered. Supplying this feature on your squeeze page takes away some work of collecting emails.

Most likely, you aren't the only one who writes within your niche, there are often many ezines with similar topics. If you place ads on ezines with similar interests, chances are you will be able to easily collect customers from these other ezines.

Advertising on ezines with topics in your area, the viewers of these ezines are more than likely going to be interested in your ezine as well. Once people start subscribing and you've sent them the welcome email, be sure to keep in contact with them. Send out an email every so often, such as once or twice a week, just to let customers know what's new.

There are also plenty of sites, books, and people more than willing to provide information on how to go about successfully gathering subscribers. Besides collecting subscribers that will ultimately bring in revenue, using ezine directories can also increase your profits.

It isn't only an increase in subscribers that will bring in revenue, but also with the used of ezine directories. Using a directory will allow you to send your ezine to multiple websites with just a few clicks of your mouse.

By having more circulation for your articles, you will then generate more traffic towards your ezine site. More traffic, of course, equals more profits for you. When trying to organize how to make money on demand from your ezine articles, keep the above information in mind. Gathering subscribers with successful marketing tactics, you will have revenue rolling into your account in no time at all. It won't be easy and may even be a little frustrating in the beginning, but you will be able to achieve your goal. - 29941

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Shared Knowledge Of Where To Find Printable Coupons

By Alba Morrison

For anyone looking for a good bargain in our economy, coupons can be a great help. However, sometimes you don't always have the local paper to clip out coupons from. If you have been wondering where to find printable coupons, consider the following ideas for ways to help you find these cost cutters.

If you do a search on the internet for coupon sites, you will find a vast assortment of websites to suit your needs. This is one of the easiest ways to get some printable coupons. Sites listed at the top are generally popular among other internet users. Browse some of the sites listed on other pages and compare what you find. You might find that some coupons top the others that you have found on various other sites, so be sure to compare what you find.

For people that are searching for coupons from specific stores, you should consider checking to see if the store has a website of its own. A lot of the time, your favorite stores will allow you to print coupons from their site online, or tell you to mention online ads for discounts on merchandise. Sometimes it varies by the store and location.

Next time you go into the store you are interested in getting coupons for, consider asking if they have any email updates or an email newsletter. You will not receive any spam to your email address from any of these, usually. The information you can gain from either is very useful, truthfully. It's a great way to know about discounts that are happening and and even better way to find printable coupons.

Consider checking out sites like craigslist. People will sometimes trade coupons that they do not need in exchange for other coupons that they currently do need. If you have the coupon that they are in search of, you can get some coupons for yourself in exchange. Just make sure that you are searching in the right area of the site. Aside from all of this, the coupons are almost always already printed out for you.

You can even consider asking some friends that shop at the same store. A lot of times coupons spread between people from word of mouth and friends will be glad to tell you about the same savings that they received. Pay attention to what goes on sale and ask your friends if they have received any online discounts lately. It can be a lot of help.

So if you were wondering where to find printable coupons, try out some of the suggestions above. There are so many printable coupons that can be found online alone, not even counting what you can find out from friends. You are sure to find a few useful bargains along the way. - 29941

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Certain Considerations For Mailroom Equipment

By Steven Lyndhurst Smith

The types and kinds of mailroom equipment that may be needed for a business concern that has a lot of incoming and outgoing mail are varied. Additionally, the expense involved in having the right kinds of equipment can range from very reasonable all the way up to extremely expensive, depending on the complexity of the mailroom and the workload placed upon it.

For the most part, this kind of equipment will generally fall into two major categories and most efficient handling rooms will have a few pieces from both categories. The first such category consists of machines that handle incoming mail. A machine for processing and inspecting received parcels and letters, such as an automated letter opener, is the most common piece of equipment in this category.

Complex mail handling operations that may see packages come in that might have dangerous content within them may include a mail scanning machine. This kind of machine is a way to scan the package or letter through the use of screens that present a very high definition picture of the package on the screen and that allows machine to scan the interior of the package quickly.

Considerations when it comes to mail receiving equipment generally come down to determining the right kind of equipment based on how heavy to mail volume is and how stringent the security precautions for mail need to be. Usually, incoming mail will be run through at least an automated letter opener and sorter. Possibly, a mail scanner might be employed in certain circumstances.

The other broad category that may be seen in a mail handling operation has to do with machines for sending of mail. These kinds of machines allow much of the mail handling operation to be automated in large part. Equipment in this category includes envelopes sealers and processors, labeling machines and a machine that automatically places in adhesive tab on a self-contained parcel.

Prices for such machines, in both mail receiving and mail sending, can run into the several thousands of dollars. This is why many of these machines are only found in very large mail handling rooms in large corporations. The upside to the cost is that they can automate a room and reduce the need for human resources needed to staff most mail operations. This can reduce labor costs significantly.

When it comes to mailroom equipment, it's the case that it is normally seen in corporations or businesses that have a heavy volume of incoming and outgoing mail and a simultaneous need to cut back on valuable human resources that can be better employed elsewhere. It might also be a case that they can significantly reduce labor costs because much of what was once done by humans can now be automated. - 29941

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Private Placement Memorandum: How to Get the Investment Capital You Need Easily and FAST!

By James Scott

If you're trying to raise capital there are regulations set forth by the SEC to make sure everyone is conducting business ethically and in a way that can keep one accountable for their actions if fraud takes place. Regulation D Rule exemptions 504, 505 and 506 offer solid fundraising capabilities that can handle most investment needs. Companies typically hire a consulting firm to author these documents and within 30 days you're off and running and talking to investors; that is, of course talking to investors while staying within the boundaries of Rule 502c which dictates the guidelines for solicitation which means no active promotion of the issuance of your securities.

This basically means that unless you have a bunch of millionaire friends, you're no better off now than you were before the PPM was created. So, how does one raise capital in an environment which limits the promotion of your offering with such limitations? Easy, corporate publicity! You must have your timing right in order for this to work but here is basically what we do with our clients as we are writing their PPM and what you should do if you already have an Offering Memorandum written. First we make sure that they have a solid presence online, within their industry genre by getting them massive exposure virally using video, social and news bookmarks, press releases, unique article submission, image/photo marketing etc. This exposure is just for basic branding purposes and not advertising the investment opportunity.

This process will draw massive amounts of attention to their company while we use specifically researched tags that will cater to the internet user who is researching their industry and/or looking for this specific company's position in the marketplace. The next thing that you'll want to do is promote your company using traditional means such as radio, TV and articles written about your company and executives within the company. Now, these promotions are not ads, instead they are interviews and/or expert conversations where you're being brought in to talk about your industry as a whole. This passive promotional technique will allow for multiple 'plugs' during the conversation that lead potential clients and investors to your doorstep.

If you don't have a publicist you will need one and during your initial ramp up you'll want to have a targeted, localized and national audience using a minimum of 5 promotional combinations, this is crucial! Lastly, you are going to want to start blogging like a maniac. Blog and respond to any and every industry specific blog you can find. It is crucial that you carve out your position as an authority in the marketplace to tower like a beacon to future customers and investors.

Now you are ready to start talking to investors. The publicity used above will usually deliver a powerful enough promotion that will yield a steady flow of clients and potential investors and once word gets out that you're company is solid and that you are offering equity investment opportunities...well the fundraising trail get's easier and easier. You may also want to consider using an 'investor finder' at this point. An 'investor finder' is an individual or company that has substantial accredited investor contacts and will introduce you to those contacts for a flat fee. They are not a market maker nor are they a broker dealer. They are typically a broker of sorts that holds minimal securities licenses yet packs a punch with their ability to set you up with active investing contacts.

Raising capital is actually extremely easy if you set your company up in a way that is conducive to investment. - 29941

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Take Your Company Public Without the Headache

By James Scott

Lending Institutions and hedge funds have dried up. Scams like shelf corporations and platform based funding are on the rise so where can an entrepreneur turn to raise capital? It's sad to be faced with the reality that legitimate fund raising methods have fallen into a minority position in today's depressed economy.

Corporation owners still need expansion capital, start-up companies need seed capital, how can the owners of these companies bypass the learning curve set in place by the online scammers and find the legitimate ways of raising capital? There are two solid ways of raising capital that are supported by the SEC and can have you raising capital without the drawbacks of dealing with people that just want to take your money and run, Private Placement Memorandums and OTCBB.

First, Private Placement Memorandums allow the business to raise capital under the umbrella of three Regulation D rule exemptions: 504, 505 and 506. Also referred to as a PPM or Offering Memorandum, a Private Placement Memorandum allows you to raise capital, legitimately with an SEC supported and approve process that uses the laws pivoting off of the'33 Securities Act that helps entrepreneurs raise capital legitimately and safely. All are protected with a well written PPM.

If you're looking to raise capital in more of a 'public' setting, check out the almighty OTCBB (over the counter bulletin boards), be careful on this one, there are several consultants and broker dealers that will take your money and walk away while you stand there with an entity that is, umwell, worthless. For an otcbb to be successful you need the back end support and ongoing consulting assistance of people that are completely submerged in the industry and know their way around so they can guide you around the trouble makers and into a world of massive corporate growth and funding nirvana.

If you are seeking true, honest, fast acting funding solutions the private placement memorandum and the OTCBB are your safest bet. Steer clear from the bogus formations such as shelf corps and platform and leased instrument based funding, they will only result in losing time and hard earned cash for your company. - 29941

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The Simplicity of Creating a List

By Taylor Striplin

These days there are a lot of different ways to make money online. List building is one of the easiest and most beneficial, this technique simply requires you to gather potential customers' names and e-mail addresses thereby creating a list of people who are interested in your product. Keeping a list is good in the sense that you're able to really reach out to your subscribers with friendly newsletters and you can easily build a relationship with them, which is essential when you want to succeed online.

But how would you get people to subscribe? Well, one way of doing that is to offer a free newsletter on your website where you sell your product. The browsers who have yet to make up their minds, whether or not they want to purchase it, might want to be kept updated with a simple bulletin or receive something for free. You don't want them to forget about you and your product so once they sign up, all you need to do is reminding them.

If you're new to internet marketing, your list might appear a little bit smaller than you'd like it to be. However, it's essential to keep in mind that its size isn't everything. A small subscriber's list could be good to start with, but if you're eager to make it grow there are several ways to make it happen.

To start of with you can write some articles about the product you are trying to promote, this is simple to keep the people informed about your particular niche or product, when writing an article you want it to be informative and generalised, don't be too specific about your product otherwise people will be put off, through using a resource box at the bottom of the article you can tell them all about you and a link to your product

Once the interested individuals go on to your website to check out your product, a pop-up box could be a good idea to have. You want to make it easy for them to fill in their e-mails and sign up for newsletters. It may seem a little bit pushy, but make sure they don't ignore that pop-up box. Make it stay on your website until they've filled it in and you'll see your list increases its size.

The most important thing to do with your list is to look after the people on it and get to know them, keep them informed on what is happening with you or offer to help in any way you can, once you do that you can ensure to have a profitable list that is making money for you consistently and it wont matter whether you have a big or a small list. - 29941

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