Your email marketing software subject line is the grand entrance that ensures your contacts read your email. The subject line is oft considered an after-thought of the campaign creation process; when the campaign body is finished then a quick one-liner get slapped in the subject line. This is definitely the incorrect way to find success as an email marketer. The subject line is the customer's first taste of what your email has to offer. It is here that they will decide whether to open it, delete it or even mark it as spam.
So it is arguable the most important part of your email marketing solutions campaign.Here are some very practical tips to help make your email marketing solutions subject lines more ikely to get your campaign opened.
The subject line doesn't offer much real estate to get your point across. Make sure that that you place the most important information in the first few words of the subject line. A little hint that will help is thinking about the main goal of your email before you create your campaign. What do you want your contacts to do when they receive this email? Do you want them to forward your promotions on to their friends and family? Do you want them to click on a link in your email to show their interest in certain products?
Once you have that, determine how you want your contacts to act once they have read the email. Do you want them to be first to buy the new product? Do you want them to make a donation? Then make sure you state that in your subject line FIRST.
However, it is also important not to lose sight of the fact that you want your contact to care about the email. So stuffing in your offer and your call to action in at the cost of appealing to your customer is obviously not the way you want to be heading.
Know where you place the important words in your subject line. The greater majority of email marketing subject lines get chopped at 50 characters. Therefore make sure the crux of your information is not cut off. You can count the characters to get the important stuff in there, or send yourself a couple test messages to see how things will appear in the subject line.
Another very important tip is to use your subject line and the 'from' portion available to you through you email marketing solutions in relation to one another. The basic strategy isn't rocket science, but you'd surprised at how often this gets muddled: the' from' line will indicate who the sender is; and the subject line convinces the contact to open the email.
Contacts don't automatically remember who you are as a general rule when they've just signed up to receive your emails. You'll have to remind them. A good example of the 'from' field would be "Emma's Candy Store." This identifies the company and what they do, so that it jogs the contact's memory.
Moreover, don't repeat yourself in the subject line. This wastes valuable characters. You've already been identified in the 'from' field, so use subject line to express your goals for your contact with more ease: "Buy One, Get One at No Charge. Only This Weekend"
The most important information about your email needs to be placed in the prime real estate of your email marketing software subject line; far easier to accomplish if you are using your 'from' field wisely.
Learning about how to improve your email marketing program subject lines will help you break through your contact's thick and savvy email marketing program hide. - 29941
So it is arguable the most important part of your email marketing solutions campaign.Here are some very practical tips to help make your email marketing solutions subject lines more ikely to get your campaign opened.
The subject line doesn't offer much real estate to get your point across. Make sure that that you place the most important information in the first few words of the subject line. A little hint that will help is thinking about the main goal of your email before you create your campaign. What do you want your contacts to do when they receive this email? Do you want them to forward your promotions on to their friends and family? Do you want them to click on a link in your email to show their interest in certain products?
Once you have that, determine how you want your contacts to act once they have read the email. Do you want them to be first to buy the new product? Do you want them to make a donation? Then make sure you state that in your subject line FIRST.
However, it is also important not to lose sight of the fact that you want your contact to care about the email. So stuffing in your offer and your call to action in at the cost of appealing to your customer is obviously not the way you want to be heading.
Know where you place the important words in your subject line. The greater majority of email marketing subject lines get chopped at 50 characters. Therefore make sure the crux of your information is not cut off. You can count the characters to get the important stuff in there, or send yourself a couple test messages to see how things will appear in the subject line.
Another very important tip is to use your subject line and the 'from' portion available to you through you email marketing solutions in relation to one another. The basic strategy isn't rocket science, but you'd surprised at how often this gets muddled: the' from' line will indicate who the sender is; and the subject line convinces the contact to open the email.
Contacts don't automatically remember who you are as a general rule when they've just signed up to receive your emails. You'll have to remind them. A good example of the 'from' field would be "Emma's Candy Store." This identifies the company and what they do, so that it jogs the contact's memory.
Moreover, don't repeat yourself in the subject line. This wastes valuable characters. You've already been identified in the 'from' field, so use subject line to express your goals for your contact with more ease: "Buy One, Get One at No Charge. Only This Weekend"
The most important information about your email needs to be placed in the prime real estate of your email marketing software subject line; far easier to accomplish if you are using your 'from' field wisely.
Learning about how to improve your email marketing program subject lines will help you break through your contact's thick and savvy email marketing program hide. - 29941
About the Author:
Rudy Barell is a Senior Business Development Executive with Elite Email, the #1 email marketing software used by businesses around the globe. Experience how easy it is to build your mailing list, create eye-catching emails and track your success using detailed reports with the complete email marketing solutions. Try it free!